Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nic Cage as Vanna White

Paul Cummins has outdone himself yet again.

Nic Cage as Antonio Salieri

John Dolceamore's latest tragedie lyrique.

Nic Cage as Neelix

Dylan Reeve is a real voyager.

Nic Cage as Barbara "Batgirl" Gordon

Cat, what's happened to you?  No cats?  Only bats?

Nic Cage as Maria Von Trapp

The hills are alive with the sound of Sandra.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Nic Cage as Kim Jong-Il

Jim Frykman was sent from pranet Xiron to conquer the Earf.

Nic Cage as Nefertiti

Brittany was made famous by her iconic bust.

Nic Cage as Lapo Elkann

Gianluca Torelli knows better than to interfere with raptors.

Nic Cage as Gilly

Chuck Nunchuck...  What?  Chuck Nunchuck...  Uh huh?  Chuck Nunchuck....  Sorry!

Nic Cage as Sex Machine

Nemedy watches Nic Cage movies from dusk 'til dawn.

Nic Cage as Black Dynamite

No! Not the orphans, Teena Lubomski!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nic Cage as Captain James Hook

Lightning has just struck my brain, Brian Rooker (or Captain Rook, if you please).

Nic Cage as Walt Disney

Submitted by Brian Rooker's frozen head.

Nic Cage as Oompa Loompa

I've got a puzzle for you, Brian Rooker.

Nic Cage as Rockglockcock

Vince W. submitted this.  Do you like what you see?  Anyone know this Adonis's name?

Nic Cage as Walter

I just hope Al Straggas hates Jeff Dunham as much as me.

Nic Cage as Steve Irwin

Crikey, Paul Cummins.  That stings.

Nic Cage as Rodney Dangerfield

Paul Cummins gets no respect, but he really should.

Nic Cage as The Universe

Nick Scriven (aka Barnaby the Scrivener) has seen the truth.

Nic Cage as Tyra Banks

Liz admits she's obsessed with pooping.

Nic Cage as Kevin Jonas, Nick Jonas, and Joe Jonas

Proud to say that I did not commit their names to memory and had to look it up again, Liz.

Nic Cage as Justin Bieber

Liz is trying to be Nic's favorite girl.

Nic Cage as Miss Cleo

Call me BACK TO BUSINESS, Teena Lubomski!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Work's been effin' rough these past few weeks (yes, I work).  But I've got some great ones in store for you devoted few.   Keep the Cage alive!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nic Cage as Basket Case

Jeff Kormos is the child and the monster.

Nic Cage as Captain Lou Albano

Teena Lubomski knows that girls just want to have fun.

Nic Cage as Guernica

Submitted by David Hansen as Pablo Picasso.

Nic Cage as Christopher Johnson

Chinese Takeout just wants to go home.